Saturday, June 18, 2011

All Done

We are at the end of the journey my friends.  By this I mean I’m at the end of the book.  Between the reading Richard Templar’s The Rules of Parenting and writing this blog, I have learned so very much.  I know that parenting advice can be given/read, but it all depends on who you are as a parent and who your child is.  Diverse personalities deal with issues differently.  There are many rules in the book that I didn’t touch upon because they are dealt with by each parent based on what they believe and what actually works for their children. 

Some topics like spanking, single motherhood, and independence are either a bit too controversial to discuss over a blog or they don’t fall into the spectrum of my expertise.  I do spank my children, but only as a form of discipline and not as a cruel beating.  I know that some parents don’t agree with this and that some do.  Either way, I don’t feel this is the place to defend my decision and it’s not going to change my mind if I’m confronted with a different perspective.  I’m not a single mother and could never understand the complexities that come along with that status.  And my children are still a bit too young to have the kind of independence the book talks about.  Over all, I do consider this book a good buy.

The book did not change my parenting techniques so much as it may have given me a different perspective.  I did learn about a few different methods to try in a situation that I didn’t even consider before.  I don’t know if this applies to a new parenting technique, but it did make me realize how lucky I am.  I love my children.  They have changed my life completely and I don’t know how I ever lived without them.

To all of the parents out there, I suggest trying new methods.  They may not affect how you parent your child, but they will make you see them in a new light.


  1. I agree that in practices like this, a different opinion isn't going to change your own, but show you other's opinions and way of doing things. I had no idea you were a single parent and completely respect that fact. I could never imagine going to school and being a parent at the same time. Your blog was very interesting and insightful.

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog :) I have to give you a lot of credit for being in school and parenting at the same time. I don't know how you do it. I'm glad to hear that you are open to trying new methods. It reminded me of a conversation I had with my mother the other day. My sister is 11 years old and one of her friend's mothers really looks up to my mom. She's constantly asking my mom for her advice on this parenting problem or that parenting problem. My mom told me that she would never listen to the opinion of someone else on how to raise her children. I thought this was a little closed minded. I'm glad to see someone who isn't afraid to try new things.
